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A traditional art form with only a few master experts, the design of marble inlays is a delicate process. In which the design is carefully made on the paper by hand, the customer's stated design is made.

The process of inlaying the inlay from that design involves the skill of a number of experts for each time-consuming step. The pre-etching process involves shaping the marble, structuring the personally produced design, and cutting the marble with ocher, a reddish mineral color that allows the etched lines to stand out in contrast. The inlay work begins with a design that is cut on a sheet of brass, which is then placed on the marble and drawn. Next, the marble is carved using the most basic tools—a set of chisels and a set-square. Pieces of colored stones (precious and semi-precious) are then placed in delicately chipped marble. Before laying in stone, the etching is filled with cement, the marble is lightly heated and the stone is set.

Semi-precious stones, including malachite, cornelian, jasper, pearls, coral and others, are carved on a hand-operated emery wheel to create the delicate elements of the pattern. Once the inlay work is completed and dried, the surface and edges are polished and polished. The more skilled the craftsman is, the more precise and detailed the ornament he creates.